Weekly Newsletter - 14th June 2024


Dearest Gentle Reader...


Can you tell I've been watching Bridgeton 🤭

I've decided to send out our Weekly Newsletters on Friday's now and share a Monday Motivation with you on Mondays moving forward. 

This is our first Friday weekly newsletter.

And why not make it a great one hey. 

After receiving some beautiful feedback from a number of Tribies over the new Foundation Program and what you love most about my teachings, I've decided to switch over to teaching each lesson in the Foundation Program LIVE. 

And so, each week on one of the coaching calls I'll teach foundation program lessons, these lessons will include work for you to do with me on the call too. 

And in the other coaching call of the week we'll cover HELP Centre topics to add to our new HELP Centre. 

Here's the first module and topics we'll be working through: 

Module 1: Introduction
1. Your End Goal
2. Your Road Map
3. What Progress Looks Like
4. Measuring YOUR Progress
5. Key Values
6. Action Plan

The HELP Centre: 
- All or Nothing Eating
- Stuck in a Yo-Yo Cycle
- I know what to do, why can't I do it?
- I need motivation

For each HELP Centre topic I'll teach you 'What it is' and 'What it looks like' and then 'How to fix it'. 
The end goal for the HELP Centre is to have every challenge covered with information, tools and tips plus case studies. All the information you need to help yourself whenever you need to. 


This new path forward, teaching the Foundation Program LIVE and creating the HELP Centre with you feels so right. It's how I've done it in the past and I'm hearing a sneaky whisper from my brain saying "what took you so long to figure this out". Ah thanks brain. 

Looking forward to our new rhythm. 

I've updated the 'What's On' section to include the topics planned to be covered on each call. You can see it all here: https://www.fastmamatribe.com/whatson

Big love my friend.
Lindell xo


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