Lindell's 30 Day's Of Practice - Day 15/30

Day 15 and I'm feeling fabulous. 
My body is sore from so much physical work, my weight is up 1.2kg, my eyes are tired AND I feel amazing. 
I have a confidence that nothing has gone wrong. 
I will do my weekly evaluation later today and see what's working and not working and what I want to do differently this next week. 

Thoughts: This is exactly how I want to live my life. 
There's opportunity to tweak and I feel amazing already. 

My thoughts about my weight: "of course it's that after the weekend I've just had"
Feeling: neutral with a slight bit of (not sure what to call it, like excitement and knowingness, ready to make today an amazing day so my body feels as great as my mind real soon). 

How I'm tracking for my -2kg goal: I'm 3kg away from my 2kg weight loss goal. 
So interesting because that doesn't mean much to me today. The way I think about my weight today is that it's a false weight on the scales. Temporary and doesn't mean much. It's full of water retention and whatever else has my weight go up after eating off plan. It's also got the tired body tax added to it too. 
So there's nothing really worrying about for me. 

My day today: 
2 coffees, 2 teas
Lunch eggs and veggies.
Dinner has to be duck and salad (got a duck in the fridge that has to be cooked. 
Mango and yoghurt if I feel hungry (we've got about 30 mangoes to eat and freeze. These are THE BEST mangoes ever). 
And lot's of water. 

That's it. I will feel so great going to bed and waking up tomorrow. 

Movement will be lot's of incidental activity. I've still got lot's of caulking and painting to do in the offices. Not sure when we'll lay the carpet tiles but they will be sometime this week, then moving furniture in there. 
I've got a lot on my 'do list' at the moment. 
I will breath deeply and slowly pausing regularly today. 
I'm living life exactly how I want to live it. This is what I choose. 
I wouldn't want it any other way. 

I feel calm, powerful, strong, capable, trusting of myself, proud and ready for a great week ahead. 


Caulking done. Now to get my work done. 

Feeling stretched with attention and time. 
My Do plan is set, and I trust the plan. 
My eating plan is set, and I trust the plan. 

It's interesting because I trust my food plan more than my DO plan. And I totally just realised why. 
My Do plan is always jam packed full of things I want to do. It's not realistic at all and I never meet it. I always fall short. I have told myself its ok to overestimate my ability and never meet the plan as I can get back to it tomorrow. 

My food plan is always realistic. I have a very high chance on achieving it. So I have so much trust in myself and the plan. 


So to anyone reading this, consider whether your food plan is achievable, realistic and you trust yourself and it. If you don't often believe you will achieve it then I highly recommend you adjust your plan. Set a very realistic plan and show up to it for a few weeks to rebuild your trust in yourself and your plan. 

That's what I'll do with my DO plan. I'll get started by readjusting my plan today. 

Evening check in, did all the work on my do list. Feeling proud. 

Food plan was spot on too. 
Chicken and veg for lunch, duck and salad for dinner. 
2 coffees and 2 teas. 1 chocolate, lot's of water. 
It's such an easy plan. I can live like this forever. 
I want to look at extending my fast or reducing my food for a day or 2 (fast plan style) but I'm in a nice rhythm with my base plan. It feels SO easy and I want to find some great confidence and balance for a bit. 
It will be interesting to see what tomorrow's weight is. I think I'm so calm right now because I believe most of the weight I put on this weekend will come off tomorrow. I believe it's water weight and my body having worked hard this weekend. 
I worked hard tonight painting both offices with 2 coats of paint so my body might be tired again tomorrow. 
Anyway, I think my weight should be back down to near where it was on Friday. 
Overall I'm sitting at 1.7kg loss in the last 2 weeks. That's with it feeling super easy and 3 feast days in there. 2.9kg to go to achieve my 30 day goal. 

My mindset has totally created this for me. When I eat my chocolate each day I taste it and tell myself "I could go without this. It's enjoyable but not essential". So I feel like I'm in control of it. 
I'm not very hungry during the days and I haven't experienced many cravings at all. 
I catch myself looking at the jar of mixed nuts and thinking "I should have some of you, oh hey old thought, the nuts are not on my plan". They're located above my water purifier so when I drink I tilt my head up and see them all the time. I've decided to keep them there as a sign that I own them. I will put some on my plan later this week. For now, I'm in control of them. 

What's helping me a lot is "am I really hungry?" and "where would I put myself on the hunger scale? am I even hungry?" "am I hungry or thirsty?". 

I feel amazing, I'm taking care of myself, I love myself.

Life is 50/50 positive and negative. May as well live 50/50 feeling fit and healthy than unfit and unhealthy. 

I'm so glad I committed to this 30 days of practice. It's an effort to type it all out but it's so valuable. 
I'm proud of me.


50% Complete

Two Step

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